Friday, November 16, 2012



We have heard it over and over again “the quality of our thoughts determines the quality of our lives”.  Our minds control everything.   

If we are seeking to achieve great results in our lives, we need to set or change the tone of our self talk.  With this I mean our constant conversation with ourselves.

When we deal with our children and they beat themselves up saying how bad they are in a certain area, don’t we motivate them?  We tell them that they are wonderful and should not be too hard on themselves.  

How about our close friends and loved ones, don’t we do the same for them?
If we can do this for our loved ones, why not for ourselves?  Let us encourage each other to be more aware of how we talk to ourselves.  

The question to keep at the back of your mind is this: is your self-talk moving you towards what you want or is it moving you away from what we want?

We are so accustomed to convincing ourselves that we are not good enough.  This comes from poor childhood programming.  

They say it takes twenty eight (28) days for a habit to kick in, so for the next twenty eight (28) days, I would like you to convince yourself that you are good enough, that no obstacle is too great to overcome and that no mountain is too high to climb. 

Every morning look in the mirror, smile at yourself and say nice things to yourself. “You are good enough”.  Set the tone.

Dr Ken Onu is the CEO and founder of Attract Freedom.

He is an Eye Doctor with a vision to eradicate possibility blindness® 

He is a keen speaker, communicator, entrepreneur and author.   Click here to Like us on Facebook

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