Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Flushing out the poison

A mentor of mine gave me a wonderful metaphor the other day. Imagine you're drinking a delicious cocktail made from mouthwatering fruit juices and blended with honey and all the best things you could put into it. Imagine that you are sipping it by the beach., enjoying the wonderful view of the ocean. Ahhh! Bliss! There is one problem though. This concoction contains a tiny drop of poison.

You cant taste the poison because it is covered and blended into the juices. The pleasure you derive from it is out of this world. You re totally ignorant of the fact that you're ingesting a little bit of the deadly poison. Very slowly it starts to kill you.

When we are not conscious of our actions we stand the risk of allowing tiny drops of poison to infiltrate our minds. Jealousy, anger, fear, doubt, worry, hurt etc......are all tiny drops of poison that destroy our bliss and prevent us from creating the life we want.

Remember that whatever is impressed is expressed.

If we really could see the poison.....would we want to drink the juice? You bet no!

So friends as we go about our daily lives lets remember to be conscious of the type of thoughts we think lest we allow poison to infiltrate and render our Intentions null and avoid. Lets practice flushing out the poison through daily meditation, positive affirmations and positive actions.

Consciously keeping a constant influx of "the right type" of thoughts and your future is secure!!!

Dr Ken Onu is the CEO and founder of Attract Freedom. An organization with the sole purpose of empowering others to personal and financial freedom. An Ophthalmologist by profession, he is a keen speaker, communicator, entrepreneur and an aspiring author.Free personal development sessions =>

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