Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happiness-----Where to look

Ladies and Gentlemen. Are you looking for happiness? Do you need someone or something to make you happy? Do you feel that it eludes you all the time? Do you find that just when you get into a happy state something or someone always finds a way to bring it to an abrupt end?

I used to think like that many years ago until I discovered(no...I learnt the hard way) that happiness is an inside Job.Whenever you look outside of yourself for happiness.....You suffer.Whenever you attach yourself to an suffer. Whenever you identify with the good opinion of others ...You suffer.Whenever you feel the need to control an event or other peoples suffer.

Here are 8 ways to make sure you stay happy.

1.Make sure that when you wake up....You decide what energy you will have for the rest of the day.Do the same before you go to bed.

2.Surround yourself with like minded people. Negative people drain your energy.

3.Follow your what you love...not what you think others want for you

4.Know that Change is inevitable.....Change is there to help us grow. Accept a matter of fact look forward to it

5.Focus on what you want to create...remember the shortest distance between two points is a straight line....when you know what you want and have it clear in your mind.....Just walk in a straight line towards it. Dont deviate..Dont get distracted. Just focus on it until its done. It doesnt have to be right initially. The people and circumstances will show up..If you just trust.

6.Show Gratitude for all that you have and all that you are....It shifts your focus from scarcity to abundance....opening up and expanding your possibilities

7. Forget the past....Its gone forever ...You can never bring it back except as a thought. keep only the good experiences...Learn from the bad ones. Learn to forgive others completely...especially yourself.dont forget the saying "Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it".

8. Connect with God or your higher self through daily meditation or prayer. This allows us to stay in the present moment..never worrying about the future.

9. Talk to yourself positively....When you talk to yourself even if its non verbal you talk to your subconscious. If your subconscious hears it over and over accepts your affirmations as your reality...soon you start to think and behave as you have affirmed.

10. Become a being of sharing....look for ways to create value for others. Make it a habit. Look for ways to make other peoples lives better. Remember that you cannot give what you dont have...Learn to fall in love with yourself.

Practice all of this and you will find that you never need to look outside of yourself for appreciation or approval. As Wayne Dyer puts it: There is no way to Happiness.....Happiness is the Way!

Dr Ken Onu is the CEO and founder of Attract Freedom. An organization with the sole purpose of empowering others to personal and financial freedom. An Ophthalmologist by profession, he is a keen speaker, communicator, entrepreneur and an aspiring author.Free personal development sessions =>

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

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