Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Put Closure to 2012

Dear Friends


I am extremely grateful for all the wonderful blessings that took place this past year.

2012 represented for me a time of unexpected challenges and through those challenges, blessings and opportunity.

I am happy and excited to know that we share a vision to change the world.

It is in this regard that I encourage you to look at 2013 as a blank canvas waiting to be painted on. 

Just before the New Year begins, experts recommend that you practice the following:

1. Put closure to 2012 - Write down everything that happened and everything that did not. Without Judgement.. just write it down. Once the list is finished declare it complete.

2. Next for 2013 - It is time to paint the blank canvas. Do the following: Write a letter dated December 31, 2013 to your closest buddy. Share in rich detail all the things you want to experience in your professional and personal life. Put it in an envelope and save it in a safe place.

3. Your 2013 Master Plan - Develop a list and include the steps you would need to take in order to make your wishes come true. Look back at this list throughout the year and as you complete each step add more items along the way..

In addition please accept this gift from me. It is an infographic that can help you get things done faster and achieve your goals.  Enter your name and email address to download the infographic. Your results will absolutely blow you away.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year
Set Mind To Purpose

Dr Ken

Dr Ken Onu
Transformational Speaker,
Outbound Thinker
Attract Freedom

Posted via email from kenon's posterous

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