J.R Martinez and Karina Smirnoff won the Dancing with the Stars competition. It was a day filled with suspense.
Awaiting the results was excruciating.
After so many weeks. Karina said I think I lost my voice....I was screaming.
I normally do not watch dancing but the excitement got to me.
What attracted me to the event was the fact that people can accomplish what they set their
minds to if they commit to persevere. And persevere they did.
Perseverance according to the experts is the ability to continually move toward the achievement
of a goal or objective. it is one of the most important attributes of successful people.
Passion, my friends is what drives perseverance. It is the state of mind that creates the
incredible will to persevere. The best way to think of it is this: Imagine a rocketship shooting into
space. Perseverance is the rocket ship and passion is the fuel. Your rocketship will never take
off into space without any fuel. Imagine how many steps they took to practice, over and over
again. That is what success is all about.
Said army veteran and actor J.R. Martinez: "It's amazing. We've all been putting over three months
of work into this. To be able to hold that trophy up was a tremendous honour."
The whole process is life changing. Everyone is watching.
So remember persevere and be passionate.
I wish you well
Dr Ken
Dr Ken Onu is coauthor of the bestselling book ” The Art and Science of Success”. He is the CEO and founder of Attract Freedom. He is a keen speaker, coach, communicator and entrepreneur Get Your Free PDF on "Living a stress free and successful life at
http://www.attractfreedom.com and
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