Are you where you want to be? If you had to draw a line from point A to point B. Lets call point A Birth and point B Death.
And lets say you choose to live to 90yrs of age and you are now say 40, you would put a mark somewhere midway on the line.
Now ask yourself some questions for example:....How long do I want to work? For this example lets say I want to retire wealthy at 45....This means you have 5 years to get there..
Next guessed it. If you keep doing what you've done so far over and over, will you achieve the goals you've set for yourself in 5 yrs?
This means is the job you presently have or is what you are presently doing, going to make you financially free in 5 years? You can also replace the retire wealthy part with any other goal. The time line allows you to see things more clearly.
0 40 90
For things to Change, YOU have to change! Embrace the opportunities that come your way. So often we do not recognize the opportunities that come to us on a continuous basis because they often come disguised as problems..Les Brown calls it ..suffering from Possibility Blindness.
Remember its your've got to make it count...Dont die with your fire still inside of you.
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