Sunday, February 10, 2008

Unlocking Your Genius Potential

In times of Change the learners will inherit the earth, while the learned will find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.
-Eric Hoffer

That statement holds true today as it did so many years ago. We have to learn how to use our god given rights... otherwise we lose our talents. Remember the saying "Use it or lose it?"

How many of you feel that you are not good at Math? How many of you feel that you are not good at Music? How about Art?

Research shows that most people feel that they perform pretty horribly in these fields.

The real truth of the matter is that they are so wrong. We are all Born geniuses!

Yes every single one of us is a genius.

We come into this world utterly naked and helpless equipped with a brain that is seeking knowledge.

What happens is that our well intentioned Parents and then our caring teachers help to systematically reduce our genius capability.

By the time we reach the 5th grade....our genius capability is practically zero.

How does this happen?

We are told "Dont do that, you could hurt yourself"," Dont do that until I tell you what to do", "Sit still", "Stop day dreaming", "Pay attention".

Parents Protect, Teachers teach us how to conform. Conformity assures that we produce mediocre citizens. Why?

Because genius requires to do its own thinking and exploring. Always asking the question Why? Peeling off even deeper layers with the question why?

To live at our full potential, we have to relearn how we learn.

The Reptilian complex of the brain is responsible for physical safety, the Mammalian complex is responsible for emotional safety. If both of these are repressed due to stress or other factors learning is suppressed.

Furthermore, We have the left brain that is responsible for logic and analytical issues and the right brain responsible for holistic thought and creativity.

Then we have the concious mind and the unconcious mind or other than concious mind.
The other than concious mind processes information at a ratio of 10 Billion bits of data to 1. Compare that to 1 inch of the concious mind versus 11 square miles of the unconscious mind. The unconcious mind is where our intuitive and creative insights come from.

Go even further and we have the multiple intelligences, some of us are mathematical logical, verbal linguistic, visual-spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, naturalistic, bodily-kinesthetic.

There are more. We are mostly taught using mathematical logical and verbal linguistic models.

In most countries the others are taken for granted. This is the reason why we have late bloomers in life.

Add the 5 senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell to this.

School dropouts are a perfect study. if they leave school with their self-esteem still intact, they tend to become more successful than others because they have not conformed. Good examples are Bill Gates and Richard Branson.

We need to use our whole brain. The interplay of all these factors to facilitate whole brain learning. that is what Genius is made of. It is like an orchestra with all the parts playing to become whole.

Remember the brain thinks in pictures not in words.

When we say 'think of a car' You immediately visualise a car of your liking.
You dont see the words car. We have been trained to read linearly from left to right and from the top of the page to the bottom. The subconcious mind can take pictures of the whole page. the brain thinks from whole to parts.

This is why learning strategies like Mindmapping, Memory recall techniques,Cornell note taking, speed reading and photoreading( reading at over 25,000 words per minute) are ways to stimulate raw genius.

Repetition and Practice are the Mother and Father of all skills.

To unlock our genius potential we have to think in ways that are absolutely contrary to what we have been programmed to think so far.

That is the hall mark of genius.

Dr Ken Onu is the founder of Attract Freedom and Spread the Word Inc. He is a Keynote Speaker, Coach, Eye doctor, and Successful Entrepreneur. What he speaks about comes from the core of his soul. He inspires and empowers audiences to eradicate "possibility blindness" from their lives. To Learn more go to

1 comment:

Ceridianna said...

Thanks for this blog.
I appreciate genius. It seems you possess genius and feel that we all do.
This is really the first time I have seen a statement that is so all encompassing. So you have unlocked your senses and your mind.
I love to read slowly, sometimes to read threads over and over because they are so beautiful, not because I lost the meaning or drifted. Like a painting that you revisit time and again. (I'm an artist) Your comments are very heartening and full of life and inspiration. Thank you.

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